Sunday, May 24, 2009

Amazing English Language

The longest English word:

The question of determining the longest English word inevitably boils down to defining what is acceptable as a word, since prefixes/suffixes can be adjoined to words to make longer words and because medical/chemical terms can get arbitrarily long. Further, most contenders for the honor of being the longest word are likely to be very rare in actual usage - so rare, in fact that they could be considered nonce words. The most common candidates for the crown, in my opinion, are

antidisestablishmentarianism (28 letters),

floccinaucinihilipilification(29 letters) and

pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis (45 letters).

The first is the only one of the three that was not specifically constructed for the purpose of being a very long word. It means opposition to the separation of church and state. The second, meaning the estimation of something as worthless, is the longest non-technical word in the OED. The latter, supposedly a lung disease, appears to be a semi-serious concoction.
Lexically interesting words. .

Longest word without a vowel:
Runners-up: nymphly, rhythms, gypsyfy, gypsyry.
Excluding 'y': crwths.

Longest word with at most 1 vowel:
glycyphyllin, psychorhythm.
Word with most vowels:
Word with most consecutive vowels (5):
cooeeing, miaoued, miaouing, queueing. (Euouae, consisting of nothing but 6 vowels, is of doubtful legitimacy.)
Smallest word with all 5 vowels:
eulogia, miaoued, sequoia.

Longest word with only 3 distinct alphabets:

Longest word with only 4 distinct alphabets:

Longest word with no repeated letter:

Longest word with letters in alphabetical order:

Longest word with letters in reverse alphabetical order:

Longest word that can be typed with the right hand alone
(on a qwerty keyboard): phyllophyllin.

Longest word that can be typed with the left hand alone
(on a qwerty keyboard): devertebrated.

Longest word that can be typed using the top row
(of a qwerty keyboard): rupturewort.
Runners-up: peppertree, pepperwort, perpetuity, proprietor, repertoire, tetterwort, typewriter.

Interesting words with the substring 'uu':
continuum, fatuus, menstruum, residiuum, vacuum.

Word with the maximum number of distinct alphabets (16):
blepharoconjunctivitis, formaldehydesulphoxylic, pneumoventriculography, pseudolamellibranchiate, superacknowledgment.

Word with most a's (6):
astragalocalcaneal, calcaneoastragalar, taramasalata.
Word with most e's (7):
Word with most i's (6):
impossibilification, indistinguishability, indivisibility, minimifidianism, pericardiomediastinitis.
Word with most o's (6):
choledochoduodenostomy, duodenocholedochotomy, monogonoporous, odontonosology, proctocolonoscopy, pseudomonocotyledonous, zoologicoarchaeologist.
Word with most u's (5):

Words with four consecutive letters of the alphabet appearing consecutively:
mnop: cremnophobia, gymnopaedic, gymnoplast, limnophile, somnopathy
(and a few others). rstu: overstudy, overstuff, understudy, afterstudy, overstudious, superstuff, understuff.

Words with four consecutive letters of the alphabet appearing consecutively in reverse order:
ponm: tamponment, weaponmaker.
Words with 3 consecutive s's:
bossship, headmistressship, patronessship.

source : Google uncle (the internet)
Any comments and suggestions are most welcomed at :
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  1. Shakeeb Bhai.. I want to say something... Keep more than 2 posts on your blog.. iA that will help...

    May Allah save us from that big name disease...


  2. sure brother vl do that ... :)


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