well everybody knows i am a technology follower and lover passionate about new gadgets, so everyone who knows me takes my advice regarding the purchasing of new things like phones, pc's,laptops etc... so my cousin sister also took me with her to purchase a phone.so here is the funny incident that took place there:
yesterday i went to nokia priority dealer in Srinagar to purchase a high tech mobile phone for my cousin sister.We had a handsome budget and my sister wanted a high end tech savvy , hi-tech gadget as her cell phone.When we entered the shopping mall as usual the sales man greeted us warmly.Now here's the conversation between all of us :
sales man: yes maam how can i help u?
my cousin sister: show me some high end phone with 3g, edge/gprs, 5mp camera etc etc..
sales man: come to this side (the columb with high tech cell phones)
cousin sister: shakeeb help me out you are a tech savvy guy and you know which one would be better.
me: ok baji (as i call her) , so see this is nokia's latest release 5800 music express. It has everything what you want in your phone.
cousin sister: show me the dummy set.
sales man: here you have it maam.
cousin sister: show me some more it is bulky.
me: what you saying its a touch screen phone, its best in the market baji.
cousin sister: OK , but show me the one in left of it.
sales man: oh here you have it maam.
cousin sister: which model is that?
sales man: i am not sure as it is new just arrived i will confirm if you wish to buy this one.
cousin sister: what are its features?
sales man: maam it can be used as an email client, to access Internet, taking photographs, reminders etc etc..
me: (silently listening to the demonstration by the sales man, the poor sales man didn't know that the model he is showing is not any wonder phone but actually a pocket PC and that too an old one with out simcard support), finally i broke my silence over that n asked the sales man, "sir can you make phone calls with this"?
sales man: puzzled ... ??? thinking... thinking...and finally said sorry NO phone calls ;)

By : Shakeeb Ashai.
comment and suggestions at: shakeeb.ashai@gmail.com
“The mind has a thousand eyes. And the heart but one;
Yet the life of a whole life dies, When love is done.”
hahaha... asal asal.. wariyah asal.. apnay blog pe mein link rakhunga is ki IA...