Monday, August 10, 2009


“we are all addicted to something that takes away the pain.”

Pain. It comes and it goes. Life is messy. We get hurt.

The problem is how we deal with our pain. Some people drink, some people smoke, some people are ******************, some people hurt themselves or others, I bet there is a million ways that people try to cope.

I don’t think it matters where the pain comes from or how long ago it started to hurt, we all still feel this need inside to get rid of it. This is a good thing though because if we never attempted to deal with it, we would all go bonkers and end up killing people left and right.

We just need to realize that sometimes the way we deal with things can hurt us more. Of course we need things to help us deal with our crap but when the help becomes a problem too… that’s when we need to step back and look at the big picture.

There will always be pain but when we get into those painful situations, we need to remember that there will be good times too. Good and bad always balance out. We need to stay strong. I think our best way to deal with pain is ourselves. We all have the power to muster up the strength to say, “I will make it through this”.

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